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Rob Zorn

Wellington-based writer


Good data, the devil and the details

1 Nov 2018

Rob Zorn talks about the importance of capturing good data both before and after legalisation, to monitor health and economic trends


Are you old enough?

1 Mar 2018

Rob Zorn tackles the thorny issue of how to set a legal cannabis purchase age


Without warning

1 Oct 2017

New Zealand has little in the way of a drug early warning system for emerging substances and usage trends. Rob Zorn summarises the issues and looks at a couple of existing systems we could emulate.


Appealing for community

1 Aug 2016

Rob Zorn returns to Cannons Creek school after their successful opposition to a nearby off-licence.


Where are we at with alcohol reform?

1 May 2016

It's been 4 years since new liquor laws passed. They were supposed to reduce problematic consumption of alcohol without impinging on responsible drinkers, have they been successful?


A school's core business

1 Aug 2015

This is the second in our Whole School Series, which look into new approaches to protecting young people from drug-related harm being adopted by NZ schools.


Good booze news from across the ditch

1 Feb 2015

The Australian Government’s Institute of Health and Welfare recently released its full report on the 2013 Australian National Drug Strategy Household Survey. The results are encouraging


Doing LAPs

1 Aug 2014

With few Local Alcohol Plans (LAPs) in place, communities are forced into being reactive when faced with new applications for liquor licences.


Reducing cannabis health harms

1 Nov 2013

There is a wide spectrum of views on how much harm cannabis can cause. Rob Zorn investigates


Not what your mum and dad smoked?

1 Nov 2013

Anecdotes abound comparing the mellow weed of the old days with the edgier dope of today. Has cannabis become more potent since the 70s? Rob Zorn ask whether this is so and what implications potent pot might have.


Needles and NIMBYs

1 Aug 2013

The cry “Not in my back yard!” is often heard when communities are confronted by a social solution they don’t fully understand.


Future drugs

1 Feb 2013

Rob Zorn talks with a few drug policy experts about what the world can expect to see over the next few years.